So, where did it all start?

Picture the scene – it’s a cold winter’s night. The ground is white with frost. Silence is all around and there’s no denying the beauty of the landscape. But, in reality, you don’t really want to leave the warm house for the ‘last wee before bed’ (the dog, not you!) You put on your big coat, fasten the buttons, and step out into the night.
The dog, however, is still wearing a coat that was comfortable at 20 degrees. Now it’s -3. It’s keen to go out and check out the neighbourhood smells but, crikey, it’s cold!

The easy remedy for this is to put a coat on the dog, just as you have done for yourself.
Dog coats are nothing new. All sizes, varied designs, a multitude of fabrics. But they should all perform a function – they should all, at the very least, keep a dog warm or dry or both. And, for most of us, they should continue to perform that function for some time, given the cost.
Having years of experience of working with fabrics, and having a particular love of quality, I decided that my dogs should enjoy, not just a warm coat, but a coat made from quality fabrics. Sourcing pure wool and cashmere the first coats were made. A simple design but totally functional. And, for a time, I was happy with combining wool with polyester insulation – happy until I did some simple research into the environmental effects of man-made fibres like polyester. So polyester was out and organic bamboo took it’s place. With a few additional but minor adjustments I then had a sustainable, recyclable, and biodegradable coat.
I have a dog coat from a High Street retailer. Nice looking. Average fit. Too lightweight to be designed to be really warm. So, it must be a raincoat. It looks like one. It feels like one. But the dog doesn’t stay dry!
If I can make a sustainable, biodegradable and recyclable warm coat, with timeless looks and the wearability of pure wool, then the final challenge would be a waterproof coat that didn’t harm the environment.
So, back to the drawing board (or, rather, the Internet) and the sourcing of, not only a fully waterproof fabric waxed cotton, but a showerproof fabric as well – both fabrics fulfilling the sustainable, recyclable and biodegradable criteria. And, as if this wasn’t enough, the look and feel of the fabrics reflects their top quality functionality.
And this is where the concept of Green Collar Dog was formed.
The Oxford dictionary defines ‘green collar’ as ‘denoting or relating to employment concerned with products and services designed to improve the quality of the environment.’ A green collar, when worn by a dog, denotes a friendly dog.
When you buy a coat from Green Collar Dog you know you will receive a beautifully crafted item, with the durability of pure wool, hygiene properties of bamboo, and the very best quality, Scottish made, waterproof cotton. From the fabrics arriving, to the coat leaving, every process is hand done – and nothing leaves that falls short of our exacting standards.
If, in the unlikely event you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, just return the coat for a no-quibble, 100% refund.
Green Collar Dog – the best additional coat your dog can wear.

Thank you